Health & Fitness Blog

Healthy Hearts

February is Heart Month 2024 and keeping your heart healthy is a great way to feel your best and boost

your overall health. It can make you feel less tired and reduce your risk of illnesses, a stroke, or a heart


Here are our three top tips for keeping your heart healthy:

1. Get Active

Aerobic exercise is the best type of exercise you can do to increase your heart health! This is any type of

exercise that uses your body’s large muscle groups, such as running, walking, swimming, cycling, playing

sport or even gardening. Aerobic exercise lowers your blood pressure, and heart rate, meaning your

heart is working more efficiently, helping you feel more energetic (and you should find exercise easier!).

Doctors recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week. This

may seem unmanageable, but it works out to roughly 20 minutes per day! If you are new to exercise

start with a manageable 5-10 minutes per day and build it up gradually. And remember, it could be

anything… don’t forget to change it up and try something new – why don’t you try a group fitness class

at LivingWell? Find out more here.

2. Healthy Eating

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease and if you already

have a heart condition, a healthy diet can also benefit your heart. The British Heart Foundation

recommends a balanced diet, rather than completely cutting out all your favourite foods! However, the

best things to consider are, eating more fruits and vegetables and choosing low fat dairy products. This

makes sure your body is still getting the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs. Getting nutrients

from a mixture of different foods can also improve your memory, concentration and even reduce

symptoms of depression and anxiety. This, combined with aerobic exercise can help to keep your heart

healthy. Click here to learn about the best way to balance your plate, recommended by the British Heart


3. Improved Sleep Quality

Our final tip for improving your heart health is to improve your sleep quality!

Insufficient or fragmented sleep can contribute to problems with blood pressure and heighten the risk

of heart disease. Although we know it is easier said than done, the best ways to maximise your sleep

include: having a technology free bedtime, making sure the environment is restful and ensure you’re not

eating a big meal or drinking caffeinated drinks too late in the day. For more tips on how to improve

your sleep quality, see here.